Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello Yin! Meet Yang...

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there."
- Rumi

Okay, here's the game:

“Whoever run crazily faster from Yin, gets Yang!”

Is this game sounds familiar to you? I bet not... I just invented it...

But, we play this game all the time. Myself included.

Let’s flip to any page of our newspapers for proofs. Everyday, we can see stories about the struggle between “good and bad”, “having and not having”, “hunter and hunted” and many other life’s games of polarity. We have been taught to believe that winning these games of contrast is a mandatory precursor to happiness and a meaningful life. But yet, it has caused so much pain, suffering, rejection, stress, anxiety and sadness, to name but a few.

Is "the-game-of-running-away-from-the-other-side-of-the-coin", what life is all about? Is this how life should really be? Should the foundation of a meaningful, joyful life be the result of these "vicious" games of polarity?

If our lives have caused us so much tears and pain, too much scars from torn and bleeding wounds, perhaps we need a totally new perspective to approach these games. Perhaps, when we begin to know who we really are, we begin to appreciate the totality of life in every duality - Yin needs Yang to exist. Yang is impossible without Yin. They are just a flip of the same coin. Both are meaningless without each other.
"Without the two forces there cannot be the One."
- Chang Tsai (1020-1078), philosopher & poet.

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