Monday, February 15, 2010

God is beyond religions

“Do you believe that God doesn’t need religions to tell us that He exists?” Asked a Sufi master when I had an opportunity to meet him a couple of years ago.

“Yes” I replied.

Recently awarded with a PhD in Holistic Medical and Metaphysical Science, this beautiful soul was about 82 when I met him. When he look at you, you just can sense that he is seeing beyond what meet his eyes.

He continued, “Do you believe that God is beyond religions?”

“Yes, I do”

“If so, are you willing to step upon religions.. for the love of God?”

Without thinking twice, I said “Yes”.

While nodding his head, he smiled. I knew he was just stirring up my mind.

“There are people who kill themselves and kill others in the name of God. They give God the Almighty a bad name. They thought what they have been conditioned to believe is the Truth. But that doesn't matter... It’s the journey of God himself.”

The conversation about God continued hours after that. In that evening, he brought me into seeing the Divine the way he sees it.

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